Remote Learning Days

High School Health 
I will be communicating to you through email and google classroom.  Please follow the schedule that was sent home our last day of school together.  A few modifications will be made since our time away has been extended.  Please feel free to email me anytime with any questions you might have.  Stay healthy and practice the social distancing guidelines recommended to us so we can all be together soon.

High School Health Homework Revised

Chap. 24 Accident and Injury Prevention & Chap. 25 Emergency Measures

Day 1, Friday, April 3:  GJ- Grains & Chapter 24 & 25 Vocabulary 

Day 2, Monday, April 6: GJ-Doctors & Chapter 24 & 25 Common Core/Mapping

Day 3, Tuesday, April 7:  GJ-Nurses & Chapter 24 & 25 Firefighting Occupation & EMT

Day 4, Wednesday, April 8: GJ-EMT’s & Chapter 25 First Actions First/Airway, Breathing,   Circulation, Severe Bleeding, Shock

Thursday, April 9 Spring Break

Friday, April 10 Spring Break

Monday, April 13 Spring Break

Day 5, Tuesday, April 14: GJ-Fire Fighters & Chapter 25 Down to the Basics and Beyond

Day 6, Wednesday, April 15:  GJ-Police Officers & Chap 24 Review – Page 666  1-18

Day 7, Thursday, April 16:  GJ-Hospital Workers & Chap 25 Review – Page 696  1-25

Day 8, Friday, April 17: GJ-Drive Thurs & Chap 24/25 Study Guide

Chap. 16 Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Day 9, Monday, April 20:  GJ-Grocery Stores & Chap 16 Vocabulary

Day 10, Tuesday, April 21:  GJ-Healthy Decisions & Chapter 16 Common Core/Mapping

Day 11, Wednesday, April 22: GJ-Social Distancing & Chapter 16 Physicians

Day 12, Thursday, April 23: GJ–Abstinence & Chapter 16 Understanding AIDS & Other STD’s

Day 13, Friday, April 24: Catch-up Day

Day 14, Monday, April 27: GJ-Truck Drivers & Chap 16 Review – Page 446  1-20

Day 15, Tuesday, April 28: GJ-Refusal Skills & Chapter 16 Study Guide

Chap. 12 Drugs of Abuse (Replacing TND program)

Day 16, Wednesday, April 29:  GJ-Medical Drugs & Chap 12 Vocabulary – type or write

Day 17, Thursday, April 30: GJ-OTC Drugs & Chap 13 Vocabulary –  type or write

Day 18, Friday, May 1: GJ-Pharmacists &  Chap 12 Review – Page 340 1-21

Day 19, Monday, May 4: GJ-Health Class & Chap 13 Review – Page 368  1-19

Day 20, Tuesday, May 5-Friday, May 8: GJ-Mrs. Watt & Google Classroom Drug Activity or Hard Copy if requested

Day 21, Monday, May 11: Make-up or Catch-up Day & Gratitude Journals Due if you have not kept up daily

Elementary PE Classes
I want all of you to know I am missing our time together.  This is always my favorite time of the year.  Roller skating, 4-square,T-ball, archery and of course kickball.  I am hopeful we will still get to do some of these activities when we get back to school.  I want to encourage all of you to continue our push-up, curl-up and 20 yard pacer training while you are at home.  With spring and nice weather here, find ways to stay active outdoors while practicing the new social distancing guidelines.  I have been enjoying a lot of outdoor walks, yard work, playing catch, and of course bike rides.  When weather is not so nice, find ways to do indoor activities that are safe.  Try doing our crazy exercises that we made up at the beginning of the year.  I can see all of you doing them now.  Roller skating money will be refunded to everyone.  If you are receiving take home packets, the money will be included in an envelope with your packet.  If you are not receiving packets, your checks or cash are located in the school office.  Feel free to call the school to see how you can pick them up.  They will also be available the first day we return back to school. Kids Heart Challenge rewards will be done as soon as we get back to school as dates can be scheduled.  Please use the Kids Heart Challenge AP for other ideas of things to do.  The American Heart Association also has great ideas on their website for activities and healthy meals to prepare together at home.  Please feel free to contact me through email [email protected] with any questions.  Hope to see all of you very soon.  
6th Grade PE Class
I have created a google classroom assignment.  You should be receiving a notification on Tuesday, April 14.  The assignment is titled Archery.  Please fill out the study guide.  Test you memory and see what you remember without watching the PowerPoint presentations first.  Let me know if it doesn't work.  I am still new at this remote learning thing.  Hope all of you are well and keeping up with your push-ups, curl-ups and pacers.  Let me know what you have been doing during our time apart to stay healthy.  Hope you have enjoyed all the nice days we have had and doing some outdoor activities in your yards.  Please feel free to contact me through email at [email protected] with any questions.  Hope to see all of you soon.
5th grade PE Class
I have created a google classroom assignment.  I have notified 6th grade by their school email addresses.  I am inviting the 5th grade class by giving you the code to the class.  The code for the class is ypwufbb.  The class is titled 5th and 6th grade PE remote learning.  It is an archery study guide.  Let me know if you have any questions.
3rd through 6th PE
I have created a google classroom assignment.  I am inviting 1st through 6th grade by giving you the code to the class.  The code for the class is wuqobez. The class is titled Remote Leaning PE Class.  The assignment is titled PE check up assessment.  Let me know if you have any questions.
1st and 2nd Grade PE
Since you do not have school email address, I will be sending something home in your next packet. Please feel free to contact me through email at [email protected] if you want to let me know what you have been doing to stay active during our time away.  I would love to hear from you.